Knitting Content...

Here is the back of the baby sweater! And some of the front! Got a few more rows done today!! Probably will get far tomorrow the weather is suppose to be extremely crappy tomrrow!!

I also need to rest my foot!! I am pretty positive I have planter fasciitis... It started back in Sept. but this week with testing and being on my feet everyday all day with very unsupportive shoes!! So rest, ice and buying supportive new shoes! Plus, yes weight loss!!
Before I go to the Dr. ! Why? because these are basically what they will perscribe!


Sheepish Annie said...

There are still days where I need to pop in my orthotics in order to give my feet some support. Those cement floors are rough on the tootsies! Take care of yourself...

Loving the sweater!!

brandilion said...

nice going on the sweater. get to feeling better.